Happy has 5 letters in it. So does pizza. Coincidence? I think not. Everyone loves pizza. And if you don’t, you can shut your piehole and sit down – we don’t need that kind of negativity in our lives right now. Kenny Bowers is the powerhouse behind Kenny’s Wood Fired Grill, Kenny’s Italian Kitchen, Kenny’s Smoke House, and Kenny’s Burger Joint. All of which are awesome in this snitch’s opinion. We’ve been waiting for his latest venture, Kenny’s East Coast Pizza, located near Preston and Park in Plano to open and it did not disappoint.
It’s not a huge place – so be prepared for a wait – since they don’t take reservations. We had to wait about 40 minutes – but we did show up at 7pm on a Saturday night. Totally rookie mistake. You’d think we would have known better being from Dallas, but what can we say? It’s Labor Day weekend and the weather was fine – so no harm no foul.

It’s got the same kitchy decor as the other Kenny’s establishments – lots of photos on the walls. I won’t confirm or deny, but we may have switched one of those to our photo. You should try to find it. You know what you get if you find it? Respect.
The drinks are spot on – they pour big. Like 3 regular pours is ONE regular pour for them. We perused the menu while we sipped on a monstrous Maker’s Mark and a Frenchie – which is Grey Goose – which they have on tap (!) – mixed with pineapple juice, prosecco and chambord. Any place with Grey Goose on tap is a freakin’ winner in my books. I would put a Grey Goose tap in my house if that wasn’t frowned upon by polite society. The Frenchie was good – it’s a frothy vacation for your taste buds served in a chilled martini glass. And if that glass becomes room temperature – they will bring you another chilled glass. What the….? That’s like mystical to me.

The menu isn’t terribly large – which is a good thing. And you can see the kitchen from the tables, where they were hand throwing the dough. I tried that once at home. It did not end well. Let’s not talk about this again.
Getting this party started
We opted for the Bruschetta which was a great move. Covered in tomatoes and a reduced balsamic vinegar and grated cheese – it’s 5 pieces of awesome. It’s light and it counts as a vegetable. Go with me on this one. I did a report in the 4th grade on the food pyramid – so I know what I’m talking about.

When the Moon Hits Your Eye Like a Great Big Pizza Pie….
All the pizzas are the same size, so one less thing to worry about. They have fun with their menu – including a pizza called “The Hot Mess” and “The Spicoli” – if you don’t get the Fast Times reference, I’m not going to explain that to you because that would make me old.
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Our awesome server Johnna recommended the “Adult Pepperoni Pizza” – which has 30 pepperoni (and yes, we counted) and mushrooms, red onions, basil and white truffle oil. Damn. That was a good choice. It wasn’t thin-flexible crust like those giant NY slices. It was more of a reasonable size slice with a fairly thin crust. It was perfectly browned – which gave it a good base for the toppings – NO sogginess here. I won’t eat soggy bread. It’s a texture thing. I could be dying of hunger in the Zombie Apocalypse and see soggy bread and say, “meh. I’m good.”
Ending on a high note
Did we get dessert? OF COURSE we did. They had three options, but we were drawn into the description of the Peanut Butter Pie. Allow me to explain:
Peanut Butter Pie: It’s peanut butter whipped with cream, sitting on a thick fudge base, and resting on a crust made from crushed up Nutter Butters. Served next to a gigantic dollop of fresh whipped cream.
Crushed up Nutter Butters? That’s like the topper of all toppers…but ON THE BOTTOM of this magical dessert that already includes whipped peanut butter AND fudge?! I don’t even need a plate, just put it in my hands and I’ll motorboat it.
Oh, and snitches…..it was good. So so good. Skip all other desserts and go directly to this one.
What else can we say? We can say it was all tasty – which has 5 letters – like pizza, booze and sleep. And aren’t those the only things you need for a 3-day holiday weekend?
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Kenny’s East Coast Pizza
4701 W. Park Blvd #101
Plano, TX 75093
Comments by CitySnitch