Sometimes you are jonesing for a burger. Not just any burger. But a good burger. Then you need a Hopdoddy burger. Actually, everyone just needs a Hopdoddy burger in their lives. They locally source everything. And you can taste the difference. Even the buns are fresh. That’s some dedication. That sounded weird after I typed it. Let’s forget I said anything about fresh buns.

Hopdoddy Burger Bar has three locations, one off of Beltline in Addison and one off of Luther in Dallas and one on McKinney, all three are equally cool. Sometimes that’s not the case when a restaurant branches out – but you can tell that Hopdoddy took pride in making sure they replicated the cool vibe at all their locations. They all have dog-friendly patios – so bring your best friend, too.
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They have an incredible bar. Lots and lots of craft beers. Like a truckload. If you name an IPA, they probably have it. And have it in 3 versions. They are also great at recommending new beers to try if you’re overwhelmed by the selection – and not in a pompous way – they’re legit interested in expanding your beer knowledge. Like a cool older cousin. Not the cousin that smells faintly of maple syrup all the time. The cool one.

Cool Side Note: You know those folks you see in line at a restaurant who are super eager beavers and try to cop a squat on a table when they are, like, 14th in line? Yeah. I hate those people, too. Well, at Hopdoddy, they don’t let you sit at a table until you’ve ordered and then they hand you a number that matches a number on the table. It’s all civilized and whatnot. We all like that kind of law and order (dun dun…..sorry, I couldn’t help it, I’ve accidentally sat through 4-5 hours of “Law and Order”).

What did we order? Well, hell. That was the difficult part. They have some great options – but we landed on the Classic Cheeseburger and the super popular Llano Poblano which both use Angus beef as the base. We added bacon and bleu cheese to the cheeseburger because that’s the freakin’ gold standard of burgers. The Llano Poblano is a house favorite and you can totally see why. It has applewood bacon, tilamook pepper jack cheese, seared poblano peppers, chipotle mayo, a grilled white onion and beefsteak tomato. The burgers were so good. So good. Best part, they weren’t these giant monstrosities that are a foot tall – they were normal sized. So you could actually eat them like burgers, instead of having them fall over “Jenga style” – which defeats the purpose of having them made. If I wanted to eat all the ingredients separately, I would ask for that. Hopdoddy’s knows how it should be done. You’re getting the full burger experience here – no Jenga – just good. So so good.

What you HAVE to get: the parmesan truffle fries. Don’t even think about ordering the other fries. You don’t want them. You want these. You can’t eat a burger without fries – and these are the ones that speak to your soul. They are crisped to perfection and then drizzled in parmesan and truffle oil and parsley. I could eat the entire cone by itself. Especially with the truffle sauce they serve with it. And if you end up eating the entire cone, just know that I may or may not have done that already, so you can’t even feel bad about that. You can’t feel good about it. But it’s not like your doctor is there with you. Helpful tip: DO NOT grab a burger and fries with your doctor, they totally kill the moment.
What’s the topper? The milkshakes. They don’t bring all the boys to the yard. But these are better than yours. Damn right. They’re better than yours. They could teach you, but they’d have to charge. A few different flavors and they always have a house special. We got the natural vanilla bean. I love a good simple milkshake. It’s made with a cinnamon custard base. It’s so dreamy. Like a happy cloud. That you can eat. Damn right. It’s better than yours.
Hopdoddy Burger Bar
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